Skull Carpet For Living Room Inverted Cross Area Rug, Gothic Home Decor Rug

The morbid and the macabre aren’t suited to everyone’s tastes. But for your family and friends with a fondness for all things dark and dreary, the perfect gift idea has been within you all along! So, Skull Carpet For Living Room Inverted Cross Area Rug before you go ahead and pick out another uninspired gift card, candle, or amusing mug, venture over to the dark side and browse this eerie collection of skull-themed gifts created with the gothic guy or gal in mind. Some skull gifts might be practical, some might be an aesthetic pleasure, and some simply serve to tickle your funny bone, but rest assured – all are sure to make a killing.

Skull Carpet For Living Room Inverted Cross Area Rug, Gothic Home Decor Rug

We all have a friend who seems to have nothing at all in their head. Well, meet their perfect partner: the Suck UK hollow skull! Though this decorative skull might lack a mind of its own, that hollow space makes for an excellent storage container, jewelry holder, or even a pot for a new sprout. Detailed poly-resin ensures a shockingly life-like finish to this spooky space-filler,

Skull Carpet For Living Room Inverted Cross Area Rug, Gothic Home Decor Rug - GenzTrending

 making it an ideal finish to a Halloween celebration or for the bedroom of your favorite teenage witch. Forget putting your money where your mouth is – at 12.5-centimeters by 21.5-centimeters, the Suck UK hollow skull can store loose change, keys, headphones, accessories, and all of the daily essentials prone to disappearing just when you need them most.