Kanye West US president shirt – Kanye 2020 Shirt

Kanye West US president shirt . Whether he’s running or not, Kanye West really wants the American public to go out and vote in the upcoming election and has released a video showing how easy it is to register. And to show how much he is for the people, Kanye has filmed a video demonstrating how the public can register to vote for their choice of political party.

Kanye West US president shirt

Filmed at the County Clerk Office in Cody, Wyoming where he owns a sprawling ranch, Kanye tells the clerk: ‘I just want to show people how easy it is to register to vote.’

Kanye West US president shirt

He then runs through the application form which includes basic fields as well as any Wyoming and local drivers licenses, Kanye 2020 Shirt gender and political affiliation. Kanye then asks: ‘It’s a lot of people who think they can’t vote because they’re a convicted felon, but they actually can ask for their rights back.