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Crazy Clown cloth face mask , which was shared on Twitter on Saturday morning and quickly went viral, shows the uniformed officer pulling his police car up to the protester capturing the moment on cellphone video and asking, “You having a good day today?” to which the person replies, “Not really. You’re around.”

The officer responds by telling the man not to worry, because he’d be leaving the department, video shows. The evening newscasts on ABC, CBS and NBC have been 150 times more negative when covering President Trump compared to presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, according to a new study.

The Media Research Center analyzed all statements made by reporters, anchors and nonpartisan sources, such as experts or voters, made on CBS’ “Evening News,” “NBC Nightly News” and ABC’s “World News Tonight” from June 1 through July 31.

An average of all the latest national general election matchup polls compiled by Real Clear Politics indicates Biden topping Trump by 7.5 points.

Charging documents refiled by Webb in February accuses the Black, openly gay actor of making a false police report in claiming two men attacked him early on Jan. 29, 2019, in downtown Chicago, shouting slurs and looping a rope around his neck.

“Somebody has to start being willing to break down this tribalism,” he told the newspaper. “I don’t think that I will achieve that, but somebody’s got to start. Somebody has to be able to begin to say, ‘No, you’ve got to take off your partisan hat, and you’ve got to realize we’re Americans.’”Crazy Clown cloth face mask


Yahoo News asked Hinojosa about the ideological differences between the Republican speakers and other, more-progressive Democratic leaders. Molinari was a corporate lobbyist for years, while Kasich has been critical of the Green New Deal.

Evil clown teeth Creepy clown teeth kids man woman mask , We have a party that is more united than ever,” Hinojosa said. “We had a platform process where we engage Sen. [Bernie] Sanders supporters, Joe Biden supporters and others to make sure that we had the most progressive platform. You will see Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren making the case for Joe Biden onstage this week, as well as a number of other stars in our party. This year, the keynote is not done by one person. It’ll be done by 17 rising stars in our party from all across this country. It is a diverse coalition.